Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Guidance By Lori

"Guidance by Lori" helps students successfully navigate the college admission process and find the right colleges for them --  where they will thrive.

The college admission process is complex and emotional.  My job will be to help guide your son or daughter and your family through this often confusing arena, while ultimately finding the right college match for all concerned.  It will be a holistic approach that takes into account the culture and personality of your child, your family, college admission resources, and scholarship opportunities.  It will also be an informative, educational approach that empowers by breaking down the process into manageable tasks and timelines while gaining knowledge about possible college choices.  Finally, it will be comprehensive, with advice on how to proceed after colleges have responded to the application.

Every step of the way I will be your guide, facilitator, and advocate.   In turn, your child will feel a sense of ownership over the process and ultimately a sense of empowerment.  Finding the “right fit” just got easier!

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